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Micro-local weather route recommendation service
The MiLoW-RRS…
Model-based simulation and control of physical systems for automotive &…
Micro renewable grid for rural indian areas
Micro-weather and space weather services for aviation
The MSW-…
Mutli-mission data and information service for Arctic operations…
Project Management Software in construction
Mylo is an…
Media-rich Multi-party conferencing over the Alphasat and Inmarsat-4…
A low-cost power converter with accurate over voltage protection and a…
Nitrogen fertilization, irrigation and crop growth monitoring using Earth…
Offshore asset pollution monitoring
The OAPM service aims at…
Revolutionising real estate legal due diligence with satellite imagery…
Oil Trading Analytics Monitoring
The OTAM project proposes an…
Satcom Platform as-a-Service
The PaaS project aims to…
Precision apiculture supported by space technologies
PLAneT services on Iridium Next
The PLATIN project aims to…
Permanent London integrated movement map
The PLIMM project…
Augmented reality and satellite based remote collaboration solution for…
Geostrategy solution for the swimming pool sector
The Poolspot…
Platform for risk evaluation and management in agriculture
Predictive ice images
The PRIIMA service aims at improving…