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Space-related services for building stock monitoring
Construction sites monitoring operational tool
The Buildspot…
Capacity Building projects related to ICT in developing countries…
Climate change risk analysis for food corporations
The CC…
Centralized rainfall estimation using signalling data of satellite…
Climate-smart irrigation of field crops
The ClimField project…
Collaborative and Open Marketplace for Smart Port and Autonomous Shipping…
Contactless, or On-demand, Mobility-as-a-Service platform
Space-related service for better vulnerability and exposure data…
Enhanced Weather Threat Awareness for Aviation
Direct AiR Transport
Based on Satellite Navigation,…
Providing satellite data to places where network connection is not effectively…
Detailed and fast remote observation of snow for tourism
Developing highly integrated systems in a concurrent environment of numerous…
Drought and flood monitoring service for insurance…
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis many engineering firms closed their offices…
At SkyWatch, we believe Earth observation should be simple for everyone to use. Our…
Increasing commodities market transparency
Affordable and reliable Wi-Fi hotspots for low-income users in sub-Saharan…
European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service for aircraft navigation…