Micro-weather and space weather services for aviation
The MSW-Service project aims at developing a high spatial and temporal resolution micro-weather nowcasting service providing predictions of dangerous situations, such as strong small-scale weather phenomena that escapes the temporal and spatial resolution of present weather forecast services (e.g. heavy rainfall, turbulence) or flocks of birds appearing to the route of airplanes without warning, derived by fusion of the weather data with accurate real-time position of each aircraft received from the ADS-B system. The other aim, connected to ESA’s SSA programme, is Space Weather Service, including space weather forecasts with a resolution high enough to enable more economic, radiation safe route planning and scheduling of flights, and preparedness for GNSS signal and HF radio disturbances. The main users of the service are airports, air navigation and air traffic control services, as well as airlines. The space assets used for the services are ADS-B (SAT and/or TER), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Weather Satellites (WS), and Space Weather Satellites (SWE).