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Developing highly integrated systems in a concurrent environment of numerous…
MUSLS: Persistent Multi-Sensor Land Surveillance…
Developing avionics systems and hardware with high performance and…
Improving strength, heat resistance, weight, scrap rate of industrial alloys…
Drought and flood monitoring service for insurance…
Space based Support of Dangerous goods transport in…
Demonstration of ORCA Constellation Services Phase 2
Creating a complete dataset of space radiation…
Dreamcoder 2.0
By 2025, an estimated 1.67 million…
Adaptation to Drought and El Niño Effects in the…
Dangerous waste tracking and tracing
Providing resilient solutions for Disaster Risk…
Use of satellite communication technologies &…
Affordable and reliable Wi-Fi hotspots for low-income users in sub-Saharan…
Using Earth Observation Satellite Data for Economic Intelligence …
European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service for aircraft navigation…
Development of powerful electronic systems better suited to handle waste heat…
A distance-learning service for the medical professions in Europe…
Resilient and informed smartgrids for efficient electricity distributioun…
Earth Observation to Enhance Forest Certification…