Advanced filter and download
A low-cost power converter with accurate over voltage protection and a…
Biological nitrification as an effective ammonia removal process …
Potential of an excellent low cost, durable and green replacement for…
Multicasting popular multimedia content to end users of a satellite broadband…
Analysis and characterisation of broadband solutions relying on satellite…
School pupils undertake an oil emulsion experiment via live link with the ISS…
Innovative educational system towards an active dimension of learning &…
Innovative Solutions for on-board Communications
The project…
Providing training in the areas of Clean Space activities
Personalised Space Technology Exercise Platform
P-STEP is an…
Satcom Platform as-a-Service
The PaaS project aims to…
Integrating Space And Terrestrial Assets For Palm Oil Sustainability…
ISS Space clocks accurate to a second in 300 million years allowing scientists…
Pipeline Integrity & Safety Management from Space
In-flight information updates to the aviation sector on weather conditions and…
Strategic data centre for servicing European, African and Middle Eastern end…
PLAneT services on Iridium Next
The PLATIN project aims to…
User-sourced geo- referenced Meteo-marine measures gathered from common on-…
NHS Medical Drone Logistics Programme
The Dreadnought project…