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User-centred Immersive Learning Spaces
High Definition (HD)…
Quality Assurance for Soil Moisture (QA4SM) -…
Quality Assurance for High Spatial and Temporal…
Quality of Experience for Telemedicine
The objective is to…
Remote Communities Services Telecentre
The Remote Community…
Resource for Emergency services to Access Command and control data using…
Supporting REDD+ Activities and National Forest…
Three-dimensional reconstruction and classification…
Robotics Enablement Platform with Space Asset Plugin
Satellite Universal Mobile Telecommunication Service Processor for improved…
Smart Support for Geological Prospection at Seabed based in Space Assets…
Monitoring service for critical parameters during transports carrying…
Delivering videos of surgical operations from operating theatres within the…
Situational Awareness and Command & Control of Rescue Forces in Alpine…
Small-Aircraft Service for Instant Situational Analysis during emergency…
Demonstrater of a Data Processing Centre For Satellite Based AIS Services…
Space Technologies for energy-autonomous operating sensors that provide…
Satellite Corporate services for Africa
With ARTES 3-4 Satcom…
Reliable and secured financial services in remote areas