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Developing new ground segment technologies to fully exploit the capabilities…
Indoor Navigation Services
A company called Insiteo is…
The hazard control room for the insurance Industry
About 7 per…
Direct and immediate access to emergency medicine physicians and resources…
Anticipating needs for telecommunication services in Africa
A tunable laser tuned to match the wavelength of water vapour absorption lines…
Investigation of Advanced Satellite Applications Adapted to Development Needs…
Satellite-based system of Networked-Cinema
The project ISIDE…
Providing educational content and Internet access to African primary and…
Earth observation data to support environmental surveillance and safety…
Intelligent Transportation System Equant
This project seeks to develop a…
Extension and consolidation of satellite transmissions from all stadiums of…
Integration of Geo-Wiki and LACOVAL
EO-based landslide mapping: from methodological…
LandMon – Exploitation of next generation satellite…
"Take your classroom into space" free fall experiments run onboard the…
"Lesson‐3 - Lesson from Space" demonstrating various water properties via live…
Internet via satellite with high bandwidth and low cost
AI-based Forestry Solution
The Demonstration Project builds…
Livestock Monitoring System in long distance transport