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Flood Event Monitoring and Documentation enabled by…
Innovative Forecasting for Water Resource…
CropMon – Enabling an operational Sentinel-2 Crop…
Adaptation to Drought and El Niño Effects in the…
Downscaling Sentinel-3 Snow Cover Data for…
At SkyWatch, we believe Earth observation should be simple for everyone to use. Our…
Monitoring of disaster-impacted regions when disaster strikes to improve…
Earth Observation based location identifier
EO-NOVA – Evaluating the potential of emerging EO…
Assessment and Monitoring of Soil Erosion…
Facilitating the uptake of EO-derived information in sustainable development…
Towards an Earth Observation Platform for the…
Earth observation-based information products for…
Integrating Ecosystem-based Approaches into Flood…
Geosphere Applications for SAR Companion Satellite…
A framework for semi-automatic and probabilistic mapping of land cover changes…
EO-based landslide mapping: from methodological…
LandMon – Exploitation of next generation satellite…
Land dynamics and statistical information as a…
The impact of mass movements on alpine trails and…