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Reliable and secured financial services in remote areas
Provision of competitive broadband internet services to Small-office/Home-…
Shared Crisis and Contribution Network on Standby
Space-Enabled Delivery Drones for the COVID Response
SEED is an energy generation forecasting service for solar plants in India. The…
The Scottish Earth Observation Service (SEOS) project delivers a Vegetation Condition…
Bathymetry is the measurement of depth of water in oceans, seas or lakes. The…
Build a more complete understanding of the Sun-Earth connection by measuring…
Space for Children is based on video-interactive short-film series playable through…
3D Cameras developed for a space rover supporting various businesses on Earth…
Development of online hands-on workshops in the fields of Earth observation, space…
Space-Enabled Energy Network (SEEN) aims to offer services…
The objective is to design, implement, test and validate a dedicated Alert System (AS…
Space accelerator as a key for market enhancement
Space-based services for Smart Airports
StepUp Horse is a wearable training aid that combines…
Streamsonde is proposed as the world’s lightest weather sonde, that can be launched…
Synergistic Use of Sentinel Missions for Monitoring…
Fluctiation experiment in microgravity informing diagnostic methods for…
Shape memory alloys developed for space helping the medical, aviation and…