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Developing highly integrated systems in a concurrent environment of numerous…
MUSLS: Persistent Multi-Sensor Land Surveillance…
MUSLS: Persistent Multi-Sensor Land Surveillance and Change Monitoring
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis many engineering firms closed their offices…
Demonstration of ORCA Constellation Services Phase 2
Currently, Farm Technologies provides an IoT system that advises farmers on timing and…
Earth Blox is an e-learning solution offering university-level students the…
Use of satellite communication technologies &…
Affordable and reliable Wi-Fi hotspots for low-income users in sub-Saharan…
The ECO4CO service aims at providing a set of location-based information services to…
The project’s objective is to design, develop and demonstrate a web-service for…
EnviNavigator is a platform offering products and services based on satellite Earth…
An open network of EO Exploitation Platforms
The EO Network…
Expansion of Belmap, a 3D database of all buildings and addresses within Belgium and…
Online marketplace for the EO services sector
The Objective of…
Improving our understanding of the environmental impacts of space activities…
Earth and Space Multimedia systems Enhancements and Extensions
Delivery of high-bandwidth applications, enhancing school curriculums…
Microgravity foam research on the International Space Station for optimising…
Artificial Intelligence on Earth Observation…