Advanced filter and download
A low-cost power converter with accurate over voltage protection and a…
This project aims at demonstrating a proactive monitoring and assessment of oil…
Analysis and characterisation of broadband solutions relying on satellite…
Ogor Yield is a yield forecasting service for the major crops in Romania. It allows…
Innovative Solutions for on-board Communications
The project…
Permanent London integrated movement map
The PLIMM project…
Augmented reality and satellite based remote collaboration solution for…
The activity aims at implementing a cultural heritage monitoring and management system…
Geostrategy solution for the swimming pool sector
The Poolspot…
User-centred Immersive Learning Spaces
High Definition (HD)…
Quality Assurance for Soil Moisture (QA4SM) -…
Quality Assurance for High Spatial and Temporal…
Quality of Experience for Telemedicine
The objective is to…
Monitoring railway track geometry and its surroundings
SARSentry provides an automated near real time (NRT) forest monitoring system…
Sat-PDT demo project aims to develop a tele-medicine application, based on the…
SatADAPT is a Predictive Maintenance (PDMA) system that uses distributed Artificial…
Space Technologies for energy-autonomous operating sensors that provide…
Wireless In-flight Entertainment Services via SatCom for Commercial Airlines…
Satellite Corporate services for Africa
With ARTES 3-4 Satcom…