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Integration of Geo-Wiki and LACOVAL
A framework for semi-automatic and probabilistic mapping of land cover changes…
LandMon – Exploitation of next generation satellite…
Satellite data in support of landslide risk monitoring
In this…
Urban Forest Monitoring Platform
This study assesses the…
Space-related service for urban area evolution measurement
Three-dimensional reconstruction and classification…
Providing Reliable GNSS in Urban Areas
RelyMap as a product is…
SAR for large scale urbanisation mapping
The SAR4URBAN project…
Applications for agriculture, urban mapping, forestry, or coastal…
Space-Tech for Cycling
TeleCense offers services of population growth, density, migration estimation and…
City-wide impartial situational awareness with regular data acquisition of the…
On-line platform services providing access to EO data, tools and ICT resources…
Development and Validation of earth observation-…
Suitability of mixed-satellite-sensor derived 3D…