Development and Validation of earth observation-based indicators for the monitoring of the Sendai framework using the example of flooding in Ecuador
The overall aim of VALE was to support countries in implementing the SFDRR. To achieve this, the project team collaborated with relevant national and international actors to ensure that the development and validation of this methodology is in line with the national and international approach of implementing the SFDRR (Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction). The specific objectives of VALE were:
- To further develop the automated small-scale derivation of floodplains based on earth observation data in order to provide an information product of flood hazard in Ecuador.
- To derive a geospatial model approach to measure indicators of the SFDRR based on the combination of flood hazard, exposure, and vulnerability to flooding in Ecuador.
- To validate the earth observation-based Sendai indicators with in-situ measurements of actual loss and damage due to flooding.
The methodological approach can be accessed here: https://gkhub.earthobservations.org/packages/b6599-73v76
Furthermore, the method has been published in the Earth Observation Risk Toolkit as a use case: https://earth-observation-risk-toolkit-undrr.hub.arcgis.com/pages/47cfa…