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smartCO2 – A roadmap towards smart EO services for…
Sea Surface Salinity in the Mediterranean
Enhancing rainfall observation accuracy over land
Analyzing Mode Waters Salinity in synergy with temperature and sea level…
The Safer Maritime Services (SMS) service fuses AIS and synthetic aperture radar (SAR…
Smart use of satellite data to develop solutions to…
Smart use of satellite data to develop solutions to key challenges on Earth and in our…
Solar Heliospheric Observatory - predicting space weather with the potential…
3D Cameras developed for a space rover supporting various businesses on Earth…
ESA partners with UN COPUOS on responses to…
Acquiring independent capability to detect, predict…
Predicting changes of the environment based on the…
Space-Enabled Energy Network (SEEN) aims to offer services…
Space-Tech for Cycling
Streamsonde is proposed as the world’s lightest weather sonde, that can be launched…
Predicting Sea Ice Conditions over the Northern Sea Route
Subsidence and Landslide Monitoring Service Austria…
Developing a new global tropospheric ozone dataset
A holistic assessment of the contribution of the Satcom industry to global…
Satellite constellation trying to understand the…