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Earth observation data to support environmental surveillance and safety…
Integrated Traffic Management and Air Quality Control Using Space Services…
Intelligent Transportation System Equant
This project seeks to develop a…
Assessing the potential of future maritime applications in the context of VHF…
Sustainability of Karst Tourism projects in the Mediterranean region…
Integration of Geo-Wiki and LACOVAL
A framework for semi-automatic and probabilistic mapping of land cover changes…
EO-based landslide mapping: from methodological…
LandMon – Exploitation of next generation satellite…
Improving Safety at Railway Level Crossings
Lifesaving Location Service (LifeLoS) is a new operational service that can be used by…
Internet via satellite with high bandwidth and low cost
To establish Live Land as pre-operational service platform that will monitor and…
LiveLand: Predicting, Monitoring and Alerting of Landslides and Subsidence…
Navigation accuracy and timely operations for critical situations…
Light UAS in non-segregated airspace for maritime and environmental…
Satellite data in support of landslide risk monitoring
In this…
Resilient PNT for the maritime and wider transport sector
Monitoring Alpine Transportation Infrastructures using Space Techniques…
Synthetic 4D weather forecasting radar with a smart route advisor…