Advanced filter and download
Mutli-mission data and information service for Arctic operations…
Mitigation methods for signal interference in the Maritime sector…
Project Management Software in construction
Mylo is an…
Enhanced electrical, thermal and radio frequency for high reflectivity…
Navigation of ageing population in public infrastructures
Navigation in the Arctic with GNSS high accuracy low power solution…
Media-rich Multi-party conferencing over the Alphasat and Inmarsat-4…
A low-cost power converter with accurate over voltage protection and a…
Space-related service for airport management
The NG Aviation…
Potential of an excellent low cost, durable and green replacement for…
Multicasting popular multimedia content to end users of a satellite broadband…
Offshore asset pollution monitoring
The OAPM service aims at…
Analysis and characterisation of broadband solutions relying on satellite…
Innovative educational system towards an active dimension of learning &…
Innovative Solutions for on-board Communications
The project…
ICT-based innovative public service for Alpine tourists and professional users…
Personalised Space Technology Exercise Platform
P-STEP is an…
Satcom Platform as-a-Service
The PaaS project aims to…
ISS Space clocks accurate to a second in 300 million years allowing scientists…
Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS) in Space
Based on…