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Integration of Soil Moisture in desert locust preventive control systems…
Online platform service for small-scale crop and forest management…
Space-related service for forest management and monitoring …
Integrated Web-Based Service for Forestry
The design and…
Integration of Geo-Wiki and LACOVAL
A framework for semi-automatic and probabilistic mapping of land cover changes…
Using Earth observation for land cover and land use mapping
EO-based landslide mapping: from methodological…
LandMon – Exploitation of next generation satellite…
Land dynamics and statistical information as a…
AI-based Forestry Solution
The Demonstration Project builds…
Using Earth Observation to Map, Measure & Monitor Peatlands
Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative
The driving…
The impact of mass movements on alpine trails and…
Service for touristic support, and biodiversity and land monitoring…
The Nerthus Project uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and…
Nitrogen fertilization, irrigation and crop growth monitoring using Earth…
Early prioritization of areas to promote biodiversity by fusing multimodal earth…
Peat Spotter Feasibility Study
Peat Spotter was conceived as…
Space based services for winter road maintenance
Plough Stars…