Invisible Worlds
Online platform service for small-scale crop and forest management
Since 2015, 60 million hectares of forest have been lost globally. The ESA-backed Invisible World project aims to use geo-spatial products based on EO data and GNSS to provide valuable information on forest health status and development, enhancing sustainable local forest management.
Source: FAO
The Invisible Worlds service aims at providing an affordable and accurate online platform service for the agricultural land owners, foresters and the supply chain with an easy to use, affordable EO data service for the crop and forest management through a digital platform. This will benefit individual growers or forest owners with small areas under management, by providing commercially valuable and actionable decision support tools accessed via this online self-service. Geo-spatial data products based on Satellite Earth Observation data and GNSS can deliver valuable information on health status and crop/forest development throughout the season including yield/harvest prediction. The service targets small-scale growers and forest owners within the agriculture and forestry sectors such as: farmers, agronomists, owners of small-scale softwood plantation operations, owners of deciduous woodlands, and woodland surveyors.