Data transmission for meteorology, water management, tsunami warning systems and hydro-meteorological management
High-rate Data Collection Platforms are used to collect environmental data from sensors and transmit that data within DCP messages to a DCP Control Centre. The DCP application fields are, among others, meteorological data collection, water management, tsunami warning systems and hydro-meteorological management One objective of the study is the development of a DCP Transmitter covering the GOES 300/1200 Baud, the international 100 Baud LRDCP as well as EUMETSAT’s 1200 Baud HRDCP specification. The certification of the DCP-Tx for HRDCP used via METEOSAT is anticipated. The second objective is the definition and prototype implementation of a new generation DCP radio interface. One of the cornerstones for the definition of the interface is a survey within the group of DCP stakeholders. A technical questionnaire helps to get external inputs to define future DCP system scenarios, New Generation Air Interface specifications and suitable transmitter requirements. The results of the questionnaire allow to gear the study work on the NG interface. One example specification of the NG air interface is prototyped for the DCP transmitter and the receiver side.