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Real-time satellite based telemedecine service for professional clinical users…
Satcom-based eHealth applications for health data access and exchange…
Understanding the mechanisms of Immune suppression
Lifesaving Location Service (LifeLoS) is a new operational service that can be used by…
Space technology-enabled prosthetic leg help a german athlete push boundaries…
A “rapid update” interactive, spatially accurate Lyme Borreliosis…
Using spatial modelling techniques to produce maps of Lyme risk and vector…
(Neuro-) muscular and exercise research into muscular force regulation…
Enabling the delivery of university courses in medicine
MEDICOAMICO is a new App Khymeia allowing medical staff, wherever it is, to monitor…
MediScout+ improves the ability of health…
Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative
The driving…
The development of ultrasound for space now helps remote communities on Earth…
Remote mobile Breast Screening Units directed to Central Hospital image…
A miniaturised, automated system for sampling and monitoring the…
Telemedicine solution that can be fitted to a vessel to allow quick responses…
An integrated teaching environment with a Human Patient Simulator …
Understanding how reduced mechical load / shear may affect vascular function…
Navigation of ageing population in public infrastructures