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Space-related health care service for the elderly
The Nerthus Project uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and…
Satellite based on-field radiology and diagnosis
NESA (Next-…
Moving in space - evolving in a true 3-D environment
Moving in…
NHSpace is aimed at developing an online application allowing to analyse a range…
Personalised Space Technology Exercise Platform
P-STEP is an…
Research on the ISS leading to plasma-based devices to fight superbugs on…
Improvement of phenological models by means of time…
Space-based services for local agriculture monitoring
Prevent and Respond to Epidemics and Demonstrate Information and Communication…
The Lunar project is aimed at realising a dynamic door-to-door commute service able to…
Analysing exhaled air with photoacoustics to provide near-instant data on…
Ear-worn portable heart rate monitor
ESA has developed a…
Quality of Experience for Telemedicine
The objective is to…
Remote Communities Services Telecentre
The Remote Community…
Sattelite-based remote assertive community treatment for patients with mental…
Resource for Emergency services to Access Command and control data using…
Remote Medical two-way-augmented reality service using satellite technology in…
Cost-effective countermeasures to maintain muscle mass, muscle strength, and…
Determining the role of programmed apoptosis (cell death) in loss of white…