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Uncovering mechanisms behind human adaptation in different physiological and…
Logistic and medical support in mobile, isolated and disaster context…
Integrated General E-care access for home-care via satellite
How does life under stressful conditions affect the immune system? …
Direct and immediate access to emergency medicine physicians and resources…
Integrated Voice Analysis of Satellite Communications Embedded in Time and…
Real-time satellite based telemedecine service for professional clinical users…
Satcom-based eHealth applications for health data access and exchange…
Space technology-enabled prosthetic leg help a german athlete push boundaries…
A “rapid update” interactive, spatially accurate Lyme Borreliosis…
Using spatial modelling techniques to produce maps of Lyme risk and vector…
(Neuro-) muscular and exercise research into muscular force regulation…
The development of ultrasound for space now helps remote communities on Earth…
Remote mobile Breast Screening Units directed to Central Hospital image…
A miniaturised, automated system for sampling and monitoring the…
Telemedicine solution that can be fitted to a vessel to allow quick responses…
Navigation of ageing population in public infrastructures
Space-related health care service for the elderly
Satellite based on-field radiology and diagnosis
NESA (Next-…
Personalised Space Technology Exercise Platform
P-STEP is an…