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Looking for the smallest level of gravity a plant can still sense…
Copernicus based service to have near real-time insights on the conditions of…
Improving the lending potential of credit providers in southern Africa …
Space-enhanced machine learning to improve agrochemical management of crops…
High Value Crop Monitoring for potato production
Business Service Platform for Public Safety and Food Security
Inclusive blockchain risk sharing using space assets
The Ibisa…
Integration of Soil Moisture in desert locust preventive control systems…
Online platform service for small-scale crop and forest management…
Space-related service for forest management and monitoring …
EO and RPAS data for precision agriculture and cost-effective crop management…
Forecasting agricultural productivity to improve agricultural supply…
Forecasting agricultural productivity to improve agricultural supply chains…
Simulated lunar habitat
The LUNA project currently under…
Nitrogen fertilization, irrigation and crop growth monitoring using Earth…
Ogor Yield is a yield forecasting service for the major crops in Romania. It allows…
Assess the risk of outbreak and spread of pests
Space-based services for local agriculture monitoring
Environment chambers to advance food production in space now used on Earth…
Pest Risk Information Service
Pest Risk Information Service (…