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A mobile-oriented environmental alert service enabling a close watch on…
Detection and monitoring of forest and wild fires in near real time…
Satellite modem for Internet access in rural areas
Air quality monitoring developed for the ISS used in closed enevironments on…
Measuring air quality, emission, industrial chemical processes and…
Europe’s own Global Navigation Satellite System
Galileo is…
A ground station prototype for resilient transport
Indra Navia…
The MIS (McKenzie Intelligence Services) Global Events Observer (GEO) solution aims to…
GNSS and EO for structural health monitoring of bridges
Real-time GNSS Interference Detection & Analysis
Geo-intelligent platform for smart airports operational management…
Ground Instability Risk Profiler Service
The aim of this study…
Improving aircraft landing performance with GNSS
The proposed…
Improving system resilience to external perturbing factors
Recycling of water previously used for washing or food praparation …
Maintenance and Recovery of High Voltage Electricity Transport System…
Corrections for delays in service improving positioning accuracy in Transport…
Historic and Ancients Monument Management Service
The spread…
Services enabled by high altitude pseudo satellites (HAPS) complemented by…
High-latitude aeronautical radio prediction service