GeoSHM Demo Project
GNSS and EO for structural health monitoring of bridges
The GeoSHM Demo Project is a continuation of the GeoSHM Feasibility Study. The project aims at providing an upgrade of the existing GeoSHM installations in order to address the technical and administrative issues identified in the FS and to formulate the objectives that truly reflect the real end user requirements. It aims at developing a scalable system comprised of innovate methods which can be tailored to accommodate the specific needs of different clients. The product targets several users such as bridge masters and infrastructure managers, public authorities, engineering and maintenance contractors, and academic and researchers. The service uses GNSS and remote Earth observation technologies in order to provide the representative, continuous and accurate estimation of the displacement time-series of the structure and to monitor ground motion of the surrounding area of the structure for the detection of potential ground subsidence and assess their impact on the safety of bridges. The outcomes of the GNSS and EO data provide an integrated picture of the soil-structure system, which can improve the maintenance of the structure and the design of potential modifications.