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Satellite and in situ soil sensing for areal soil data to boost precision…
SP4GO is a solution to support the maintenance of electric power distribution…
Space applications for wildlife and nature conservation activities improvement…
Digital education tool for distance learning
The idea behind…
Space for Children is based on video-interactive short-film series playable through…
Space Women motivating and empowering girls to get involved with space…
3D Cameras developed for a space rover supporting various businesses on Earth…
ESA partners with UN COPUOS on responses to…
Acquiring independent capability to detect, predict…
Development of online hands-on workshops in the fields of Earth observation, space…
Creating autonomous food supply for space travel helps crop yields on Earth…
Predicting changes of the environment based on the…
Using Earth Observation to assist indigenous…
Space-Enabled Energy Network (SEEN) aims to offer services…
The objective is to design, implement, test and validate a dedicated Alert System (AS…
Space for Health
While ESA is immediately associated to the…
Integrated applications for microgrids in developing economies
Space-based logistical support for distribution of…
A gearbox for high-speed ratios used for tele-…
Integration of state-of-the-art satellite…