activity - Fri, 06/12/2024 - 15:15

'Stay' is a mobile-interactive experience rewarding young people for acting positively during COVID-19 or similar public health crisis. The platform allows them to earn unique digital merchandise (badges) based on their activity and utilises live data feeds, Augmented Reality and GNSS to reward them for positive behaviours from Staying-at-Home to Staying-Healthy, Staying-Happy, Staying-Green etc. The platform is whitelabelled, with the ability to be rebranded and repurposed for different clients and target audiences.


activity - Fri, 06/12/2024 - 15:11

SPOTLITE is a web-based platform for a monitoring and management service of the structural health of transport infrastructures (e.g. roads and railways). It provides infrastructure asset managers the ability to perform regular assessments over the entire infrastructure, monitor unstable areas in near real-time, obtain ground motion information. The service relies on SAR data from Sentinel-1 and commercial VHR data, providing a highly scalable service with much lower osts than ground-based sensors.

Space Studies

activity - Fri, 06/12/2024 - 14:58

Development of online hands-on workshops in the fields of Earth observation, space life sciences and astronomy. The workshops provide an opportunity for students to gain experience in practical work using Earth observation data to analyse disaster scenarios (such as flooding and fires) and the impact of climate change in specific areas of interest.

Space for Children

activity - Fri, 06/12/2024 - 14:55

Space for Children is based on video-interactive short-film series playable through smartphones and tablets with iOs and Android operating systems. Through Fanta-Comedy ministories, Space for Children allows medical professionals to acquire fundamental information about the difficult context in
which children/teenagers find themselves while in quarantine during a COVID-19 outbreak. This happens interacting in an engaging and entertaining way with the protagonists and their stories as if it were a video game but in live action (real actors, not 3D models).


activity - Fri, 06/12/2024 - 14:51

SP4GO is a solution to support the maintenance of electric power distribution infrastructures. SP4GO uses cost-effective and high-resolution satellite data to reduce inefficiencies and maintenance costs of high voltage power lines by detecting potentially dangerous situations related to the overgrowth of vegetation, the construction of new buildings that come too close to infrastructure and detecting land terrain change.


activity - Fri, 06/12/2024 - 14:48

The Safer Maritime Services (SMS) service fuses AIS and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data to obtain increased situational awareness. SMS also provides observational weather data sent over AIS to improve numerical weather prediction models, enabling better forecasts for vessel operators and thereby increasing the safety of crews.


activity - Fri, 06/12/2024 - 14:45

SMOCGEO is a platform capable of tracking the activity of metal commodities production and supply chains. Its purpose is to support the assessment of the supply chain sustainability by considering the environmental impact of metal mining activities at specific mining sites and factories. By monitoring the production and activity in different mining sites, the platforms are also able to support the price estimation of metal commodities.

Shallow Water

activity - Fri, 06/12/2024 - 14:40

Bathymetry is the measurement of depth of water in oceans, seas or lakes. The Bathymetrics Data Portal service is focused on the coastal marine environment for the global market. Creation and commercialisation of a sample shallow water bathymetry dataset derived from very high-resolution satellite imagery. The target is to cover 26 % of the world's coasts, that will allow the consortium to develop it further after being in the market.


activity - Fri, 06/12/2024 - 14:36

The Scottish Earth Observation Service (SEOS) project delivers a Vegetation Condition Scotland (VCS) mapping and monitoring service to address environment and land management issues faced by a wide range of Scottish public and private sector organisations offering new ways of


activity - Thu, 21/11/2024 - 13:13

SEED is an energy generation forecasting service for solar plants in India. The solution uses satEO data, in-situ date from solar farms, and deep-learning AI-based forecasting technologies to improve forecasts, operations and maintenance.