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Centralized rainfall estimation using signalling data of satellite…
Developing a (rain) forest monitoring service based on open satellite data and…
At a time of rising climate change impacts, there is a vital and growing need to help…
Integrating Satellite Data and Citizen Science for…
Climate-smart irrigation of field crops
The ClimField project…
Utilisation of COPERNICUS data for climate-resilient urban planning using the example…
Advanced Cloud-Native Solution for Efficient Remote…
Forecasting vulnerability of infrastructure, lives and livelihoods, and marine…
Continuous analysis of weather related parameters by using GNSS receivers on e…
Copernicus Data for Novel High-resolution Wildfire…
COntribution du SPatial à lAnalyse du Risque INondation (Spatial Contribution…
CropCloud is a service that leverages AI and super-resolved SatEO data (Sentinel 2) to…
CropMon – Enabling an operational Sentinel-2 Crop…
Exploitation of CryoSat-2 data over open and coastal ocean
Glacier volume and mass change monitoring using CryoSat-2 data
Detection of Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions Sources
The project…
UK start-up Darwin Innovation Group project aims to develop and provide a service…
The DecisionX service aims to bring to flight operations a Data-as-a-service offered…
Detailed and fast remote observation of snow for tourism
Generating better snowmelt maps based on satellite…