COntribution du SPatial à lAnalyse du Risque INondation (Spatial Contribution to Flood Risk Analysis)
In 2020, 389 natural disasters were reported worldwide, killing 15 000 people and affecting 98 million others. The ESA-supported COSPARIN project uses satellite imagery for hazard and vulnerability risk assessments to support real-time wather crisis management and improve disaster resilience and response.
Source: Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters CRED, UC Louvain
The objective of the service is to support real-time weather crisis management through assessment of hazards and vulnerability risks. The service, to be provided overseas, is based on an existing national (French) service provided by Predict Services. Whereas the national service relies on local data and measurements, the global expansion requires integration of space data (Digital Terrain and Elevation Models, rainfall data from IR satellites). The final objective is to make an important contribution to improve citizen resilience, economic activities, and the preservation of the environment thanks to a better anticipation of risks by the industrial sector supported by the insurance world/companies.