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Distance education for nursing personnel in non-EU countries in order to…
Space for smart resource management for disaster early warning
Satellite enhanced Multi-channel E-health Assistance for Remote Tele-…
A holistic assessment of the contribution of the Satcom industry to global…
Telemedicine for remote Operations in Distant areas
Satellite based Telemedicine in Latin America
Tackling Transport Poverty in Towns and Small Cities
Tandem is…
Globally active satellite-based competence network, optimizing medical care of…
Developing, implementing, qualifying and validating…
More autonomy for blind people thanks to satellite navigation
Time distribution service improving financial markets
Virtual Environment for Real time Distributed applications over the Internet…
A new paradigm in remote patient rehabilitation
The Virtual…
Recycling waste water in Morocco using ESA-developed technology and…
Online platform aimed at wellbeing activities for seniors