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Anticipating needs for telecommunication services in Africa
Investigation of Advanced Satellite Applications Adapted to Development Needs…
Space technology-enabled prosthetic leg help a german athlete push boundaries…
MEDICOAMICO is a new App Khymeia allowing medical staff, wherever it is, to monitor…
Big data applications to boost preparedness and response to migration…
Effective distance learning applications through satellite
Navigation of ageing population in public infrastructures
Navigation in the Arctic with GNSS high accuracy low power solution…
Space-related health care service for the elderly
NHSpace is aimed at developing an online application allowing to analyse a range…
Innovative educational system towards an active dimension of learning &…
User-centred Immersive Learning Spaces
High Definition (HD)…
Remote airbone platform with satellite oversight dependency for maritime…
Extension of health services in Africa through the use of satellite-based…
Sat-PDT demo project aims to develop a tele-medicine application, based on the…
Satellite Corporate services for Africa
With ARTES 3-4 Satcom…
Reliable and secured financial services in remote areas
Provision of competitive broadband internet services to Small-office/Home-…
Utilising satellite technology to improve access to the internet for Irish…
Helping seniors lead an active and healthy life