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Crowdsourced experiments run on the ISS
Teams of students who…
Geoaudio service for tourism development
Geoaudio service…
Helping people with communication limitations based on visualisation…
Pilot operations both in Tele-Medicine and in Tele-Education
Providing professional healthcare services to general practitioners directly…
Communications for rural schools
iKnowledge provides high…
Providing educational content and Internet access to African primary and…
"Take your classroom into space" free fall experiments run onboard the…
"Lesson‐3 - Lesson from Space" demonstrating various water properties via live…
Enabling the delivery of university courses in medicine
Effective distance learning applications through satellite
An integrated teaching environment with a Human Patient Simulator …
School pupils undertake an oil emulsion experiment via live link with the ISS…
Innovative educational system towards an active dimension of learning &…
Providing training in the areas of Clean Space activities
User-centred Immersive Learning Spaces
High Definition (HD)…
Quality Assurance for Soil Moisture (QA4SM) -…
Quality Assurance for High Spatial and Temporal…
Quality of Experience for Telemedicine
The objective is to…
Remote Communities Services Telecentre
The Remote Community…