Utilisation of satellite-based land surface temperature for integration into monitoring systems in line with the European Green Deal and the UN SDGs.
Land Surface Temperature (LST) is one of the essential climate variables contributing to the understanding of the Earth’s surface temperature, water, and carbon cycles. constellr will provide thermal infrared data with unprecedented temporal (daily from 2025) and spatial resolution (30m) using its own space infrastructure.
With TIR4ENV, constellr aims to adapt and further develop AI-based methodologies to make high-resolution thermal data, both spatially and temporally, available for monitoring systems aligned with the European Green Deal (EGD) and the UN SDGs for the first time. The implementation is carried out in close coordination with established actors from different application domains. TIR4ENV is developing pre-operational demonstrators (TRL 3-5) and informational materials on the use of TIR data in support of the European Green Deal and the UN SDGs.