Advanced filter and download
Space-related services for water management
Optimising external water and energy resources…
Scaling automatic intelligent multi-feature extraction engine for countrywide/…
Satellite-enabled internet of things for water management
Improving Crop Detection based on Hyperspectral EnMAP…
Data of water quality parameters at a large spatial and temporal scale…
Adaptation to Drought and El Niño Effects in the…
Downscaling Sentinel-3 Snow Cover Data for…
EO-NOVA – Evaluating the potential of emerging EO…
Facilitating the uptake of EO-derived information in sustainable development…
Membrane-based filtration system that treats contaminated water and removes…
Earth observation-based information products for…
Services to Improve Water Use Efficiency of Vineyards and Deciduous Fruit…
Improving Water Use Efficiency of Vineyards in South Africa
Recycling of water previously used for washing or food praparation …
Easy to use information about moisture conditions for efficient crop farming…
On-line platform services providing access to EO data, tools and ICT resources…
Water filtration using nanotechnology bringing more efficiency to both space…
Improved monitoring, forecasting and control of water availability …
SCIRES demonstration projects aims at developing services,…