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A bridge to international research partners…
Ariel Mission: Chemical Census of Exoplanet Atmospheres
Cross-Cultural Satellite services for immigrant communities in Europe…
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis many engineering firms closed their offices…
Dreamcoder 2.0
By 2025, an estimated 1.67 million…
Earth Blox is an e-learning solution offering university-level students the…
Affordable and reliable Wi-Fi hotspots for low-income users in sub-Saharan…
A distance-learning service for the medical professions in Europe…
Interactive activities for schools via a live link with the ISS
Food production in space presented to pupils via a live ISS link …
A wide range of activities from elementary schools to universities, using…
Crowdsourced experiments run on the ISS
Teams of students who…
Pilot operations both in Tele-Medicine and in Tele-Education
Providing professional healthcare services to general practitioners directly…
Providing educational content and Internet access to African primary and…
"Take your classroom into space" free fall experiments run onboard the…
"Lesson‐3 - Lesson from Space" demonstrating various water properties via live…
Enabling the delivery of university courses in medicine
Effective distance learning applications through satellite
An integrated teaching environment with a Human Patient Simulator …