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Information Management and Decision Support System to support CBRN…
Artificial Intelligence on Earth Observation…
Developing alternative technologies to reduce impacts on environment …
EO/GNSS based system project for a more sustainable waste management…
Development of automatic methods for the detection…
Economically and environmentally improving industrial foams through reduced…
Mutli-mission data and information service for Arctic operations…
Biological nitrification as an effective ammonia removal process …
This project aims at demonstrating a proactive monitoring and assessment of oil…
Offshore asset pollution monitoring
The OAPM service aims at…
Pipeline Integrity & Safety Management from Space
Remote airbone platform with satellite oversight dependency for maritime…
Supporting REDD+ Activities and National Forest…
Space-based services to support resilient and sustainable critical…
Space-based services to support resilient and sustainable Critical…
Monitoring service for critical parameters during transports carrying…
Space Technologies for energy-autonomous operating sensors that provide…
Space-based services for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear…
Space Fly Multiagent
The SFM service aims to combine the data…
Detection of anomalies and warning service
The VtDaws…