Offshore asset pollution monitoring
The OAPM service aims at providing regular, cost effective, satellite-derived information over offshore assets to establish a baseline, and a programme of routine pollution monitoring. The emphasis of the OAPM service is not on Near-Real-Time delivery of satellite imagery, but regular delivery of high-quality, reliable, value-added information to enhance situational awareness. The core users of OAPM are principally offshore oil and gas operators. OAPM integrates two space assets: Earth Observation satellites (principally SAR) and satellite AIS data. Satellite imagery is used to observe the occurrence of offshore slicks. Combining this with satellite AIS data enables the identification of potential pollution sources from local vessel activity. The increasing availability of regularly acquired, cost-effective satellite data significantly enhances the ability of offshore operators to understand the occurrence and evolving behaviour of pollution in close proximity to their infrastructure and in many cases provide the ability to confirm the absence of pollution so that operations may continue unhindered.