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Tree Information Satellite Services
Trees have numerous…
Test Infrastructure & Pilot Projects for Autonomous Shipping…
Research on how plants respond and grow towards light in weightlessness/lunar/…
Early detection of stress for forestry
The TSFM_10CM service…
Remote sensing (from satellites and drones) based Digital Twin for forestry operations…
Test and Training Centre for Geo-information and Satellite-based services for…
Satcom solution for epidemiological surveillance, alert and response in…
Two way Information Management for Public Risks and Incidents
Niche communication services for regions with inferior coverage &…
Geophysical and Pipeline Monitoring Services
The UASatCom…
Reducing the cost required to deploy cellular coverage to remote areas…
UK Summer Rainfall Insights for Agriculture and Food Production
Rapidly deployable satellite communications for emergency conditions…
Maritime satellites for environmental monitoring in rivers, lakes and oceans…
ISS Experiments helping to develop quick lung tests
For the…
A user forum to present and defend the needs of farmers in the development of…
Exploring services enabled by HAPS
Urban disaster risk reduction via space based solutions
The Urban Green View project conducted a feasibility study…
On-line platform services providing access to EO data, tools and ICT resources…