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Mine and IED Detection Augmented by Satellite
A miniaturised, automated system for sampling and monitoring the…
Big data applications to boost preparedness and response to migration…
Micro-local weather route recommendation service
The MiLoW-RRS…
One-way Internet over satellite gateway
The objective of the…
Improved asset tracking and device management
Telemedicine solution that can be fitted to a vessel to allow quick responses…
Model-based simulation and control of physical systems for automotive &…
Effective distance learning applications through satellite
The impact of mass movements on alpine trails and…
Monitoring from Space for Critical Infrastructure
The MoSCI -…
Micro renewable grid for rural indian areas
Micro-weather and space weather services for aviation
The MSW-…
Mutli-mission data and information service for Arctic operations…
Methods and techniques for the combined use of multiple systems and sensors in…
An integrated teaching environment with a Human Patient Simulator …
Mitigation methods for signal interference in the Maritime sector…
The micro weather service (MW Service) main purpose is to overcome the limitations…
Micro Yields for assessing Food Security and Malnutrition (MYFoodS)…
Project Management Software in construction
Mylo is an…