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Improving system resilience to external perturbing factors
Space-based services for elderly health-care
Improving Water Use Efficiency of Vineyards in South Africa
Looking for the smallest level of gravity a plant can still sense…
Developing alternative technologies to reduce impacts on environment …
Space-related services for risk mitigation and prevention in the greenhouse…
Copernicus based service to have near real-time insights on the conditions of…
Recycling of water previously used for washing or food praparation …
Maintenance and Recovery of High Voltage Electricity Transport System…
Analysing a stable grip on hand-held objects in microgravity
Improving the lending potential of credit providers in southern Africa …
Geolocation Support for Outdoor Tourism and the re-creation of historical…
Corrections for delays in service improving positioning accuracy in Transport…
Historic and Ancients Monument Management Service
The spread…
Services enabled by high altitude pseudo satellites (HAPS) complemented by…
High-latitude aeronautical radio prediction service
Space-enhanced machine learning to improve agrochemical management of crops…
Microgravity research uncovered a novel therapy to fight exaggerated…
Addressing patients in waiting rooms and doctors in surgeries
Air conditioning goes green thanks to experience on thermal engineering for…