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EO Tools for the Conservation and Effective Management of Wetlands in Africa…
Services enabled by high altitude pseudo satellites (HAPS) complemented by…
High-Resolution Forest Coverage with InSAR & Deforestation Surveillance…
EODC High Quality Sentinel-2 Services – Pre-…
Development of automatic methods for the detection…
Analyzing short-term movements in the Cryosphere
The aim of…
Space-related service for forest management and monitoring …
Integration of Geo-Wiki and LACOVAL
Using Earth observation for land cover and land use mapping
LandMon – Exploitation of next generation satellite…
Using Earth Observation to Map, Measure & Monitor Peatlands
Service for touristic support, and biodiversity and land monitoring…
Peat Spotter Feasibility Study
Peat Spotter was conceived as…
Supporting REDD+ Activities and National Forest…
RIver flow monitoring and Discharge Estimation
Even if with a…
Development of a risk-based monitoring service for the national implementation of EU…
Remote Sensing for Essential Biodiversity Variables
Remote sensing fire protection system
The RSFPS project…
Space assets for monitoring of wildlife habitats
The SAMoH…
SARSentry provides an automated near real time (NRT) forest monitoring system…