Advanced filter and download
Fast-Response management and display of information…
This project focuses on the link between smallholder farmers and the processors of…
EODC – Service for Continuous Monitoring of Alpine…
Identifying Alzheimer’s using space software…
A highly compact device for vital-sign monitoring…
Locally produced food safety and traceability for…
Analysis of Earth observation data for safety…
Advanced Multimedia and Observation services for the Rome cultural heritage…
Validating satellite products in order estimate the flux of CO2 between the…
Advanced maritime tracking
Network Wide Monitoring
Arctic navigational hazard system
Space Applications using Animal tracking data…
Mobile Social Care Alarm Service
The Anywhere Care Mobile…
Innovative Applications for the augmented use of…
Automatic Photovoltaic Plant Inspection and Data Exploitation
Satellite and GPRS technology for aquaculture…
Management of water and food resources and…
Management of water and food resources and Improvement of the supply chain…
Arcticship operated low power data network…