European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service for aircraft navigation
European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service for aircraft navigation
A low-cost power converter with accurate over voltage protection and a telecommand interace
Increasing efficiency of bone exploration & helping early detection of osteoporosis
Affordable and reliable Wi-Fi hotspots for low-income users in sub-Saharan Africa
In 2019, only 28% of urban African areas and 6% of rural areas had an internet access. The ESA-supported Every Child Online partnership aims at developing new ground technologies bringing affordable and reliable satellite broadband services to schools and their local communities in sub-Saharan Africa.
Use of satellite communication technologies & wireless terrestrial technologies for crisis management
Agricultural Crop Monitoring and Assessment driven by Satellites
Creating a complete dataset of space radiation
Space based Support of Dangerous goods transport in the medical sector
Grasp and fine motoric skills in weightlessness helping prosthetic limb developments
Improving strength, heat resistance, weight, scrap rate of industrial alloys with the help of space measurments