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Enhanced Flood Forecasting System for Critical Infrastructure Protection in…
European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service for aircraft navigation…
Development of powerful electronic systems better suited to handle waste heat…
eHealth for Sub-Saharan Africa - Governance study
The goal of…
Innovative offender tracking ankle bracelet
Electronic Offender Monitoring
The starting point for the…
Enhanced multi-sensor data handler for railways
Energy supply chain observation and understanding tool
Resilient and informed smartgrids for efficient electricity distributioun…
The project’s objective is to design, develop and demonstrate a web-service for…
EnviNavigator is a platform offering products and services based on satellite Earth…
Feasibility Study on joint EO and crowdsourced bathymetry
An open network of EO Exploitation Platforms
The EO Network…
Earth Observation based location identifier
Expansion of Belmap, a 3D database of all buildings and addresses within Belgium and…
Online marketplace for the EO services sector
The Objective of…
End-to-end Optimisation of Mobile Satcoms to Trains
The 21Net…
End to End optimisation of mobile satcoms to trains
Enhanced Pollution Monitoring
Artisanal and Small-scale Mining…
Using drones to inspect and respond to emergencies on power grids…