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Solar Heliospheric Observatory - predicting space weather with the potential…
Space applications for wildlife and nature conservation activities improvement…
Acquiring independent capability to detect, predict…
Predicting changes of the environment based on the…
Using Earth Observation to assist indigenous…
Mapping whales from space
Each year, an estimated…
Space-enabled wind installation site screening
Subsidence and Landslide Monitoring Service Austria…
Comprehensive land surface motion monitoring based on satellite radar data…
A holistic assessment of the contribution of the Satcom industry to global…
Satellite constellation trying to understand the…
Synergistic Use of Sentinel Missions for Monitoring…
Telecommunication localisation and real time environment detection…
Satellite Based Tools for More Efficient Logging Operation Planning…
Space Applications for Sustainable Tourism
The tourism…
Enabling and enhancing environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and…
Research on how plants respond and grow towards light in weightlessness/lunar/…
Early detection of stress for forestry
The TSFM_10CM service…
Test and Training Centre for Geo-information and Satellite-based services for…
Development and Validation of earth observation-…