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Distance education for nursing personnel in non-EU countries in order to…
Assessing the suitability of DEMs derived from…
Smart Social and Healthcare Advanced Services with Smart TV and Satellite…
Build a more complete understanding of the Sun-Earth connection by measuring…
Textile Antennas Integrating wireless functions to clothing
Solar Powered Space-Augmented UAS Platform for large-scale Diagnostics and…
Digital education tool for distance learning
The idea behind…
Space Women motivating and empowering girls to get involved with space…
Improving and securing flight planning systems
Space Assets Integration for Sports Event Photography
Efficient, economic & mass-reduced solar cells…
Ship's Sulphur Trails Emissions Aerial Measurements
Satellite Technology to Enable new Learning and Lessons Environment…
System Suitability Study for Train Positioning Using GNSS in ERTMS in 2020…
Subsidence and Landslide Monitoring Service Austria…
Geophysical survey (GS) and pipeline monitoring (PM) services to oil and gas…
A holistic assessment of the contribution of the Satcom industry to global…
Satellite Way for Education - 13 satcom-enabled schools in rural areas…
Synergistic Use of Sentinel Missions for Monitoring…
Tackling Transport Poverty in Towns and Small Cities
Tandem is…