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Extended EO-based services for dynamic information…
EPIdemiological and logistics COvid19 model
EPICO19 is a…
Monitoring small solar system bodies in order to…
Studying and monitoring space weather: from coronal mass ejections to solar…
Disaster Relief and Emergency Management
A key role of the…
Automatic detection and identification of…
Upgrading telemedicine networks
Goal of the EuroMedNet project…
Investigating effects of long-duration spaceflight on the human body &…
Next generation CBRN information management system
The EuroSOM…
Eye movement experiments in space contributing to modern laser eyesight…
A bacteria with a potential for lowering LDL cholesterol levels …
Astronausts offering insights for cardiovascular disease research…
Artificial Intelligence on Earth Observation…
Improvement of wildFIRE detection by combining…
First Rapid Emergency System against Pandemic
Air quality monitoring developed for the ISS used in closed enevironments on…
Measuring air quality, emission, industrial chemical processes and…
Charting a three-dimensional map of our Galaxy and contributing to a database…
ARV treatment in sub-Saharan Africa with the help of Geographic information…
Helping people with communication limitations based on visualisation…