Advanced filter and download
Reliable and secured financial services in remote areas
End-to-end visual-data communications for emergency, disaster, safety and…
Peace Building and Damage Assessment: Improving Disaster Response Capacity…
Smart coop solutions
The SCS product is an Internet of Things…
Communications for communities and businesses
Satellite fruit control system for high level of harvest estimation accuracy…
Identify and value assets for insurance including buildings,…
Satellite-enabled intelligent Internet of Things for agriculture …
Sensor Information for Pest Control
The objective of SiPeCon…
Space innovation system to monitor animals
Satellite enhanced Multi-channel E-health Assistance for Remote Tele-…
Integrated applications for microgrids in developing economies
Space accelerator as a key for market enhancement
Satellite supported financial inclusion for smallholders
Satellite Way for Education - 13 satcom-enabled schools in rural areas…
Satellite assets integration for marine protected areas
Globally active satellite-based competence network, optimizing medical care of…
Space linked tracking of humanitarian goods
The Track…
An Earth observation platform saving lives at sea
A tracking…
Early detection of stress for forestry
The TSFM_10CM service…