Advanced filter and download
Space-related services for water management
Scaling automatic intelligent multi-feature extraction engine for countrywide/…
3U CubeSat format constellation of nanosatellite
In today’s…
Satellite-enabled internet of things for water management
EO-based services to support humanitarian…
Extended EO-based services for dynamic information…
Facilitating the uptake of EO-derived information in sustainable development…
Membrane-based filtration system that treats contaminated water and removes…
A miniaturised, automated system for sampling and monitoring the…
Water filtration using nanotechnology bringing more efficiency to both space…
Improved monitoring, forecasting and control of water availability …
Intelligent geospatial risk management service for vegetation
Recycling waste water in Morocco using ESA-developed technology and…
Identifying existing water sources
The product provides soil…
Improved Monitoring, Forecasting and Control of Water Availability, Quality…
Improving infrastructure for provision of clean water and sanitation…