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Improving and securing flight planning systems
Spaceship EAC unites students and young professionals from across Europe to…
Mapping whales from space
Each year, an estimated…
Space accelerator as a key for market enhancement
Understanding how low shear conditions and gravity…
Space Assets Integration for Sports Event Photography
SPOTLITE is a web-based platform for a monitoring and management service of the…
Space-enabled wind installation site screening
Smart Social Distancing
SSD is a social distancing tool…
Satellite supported financial inclusion for smallholders
System for Safety in Multimodal Assisted Remotely Transports
Space-based services for Smart Airports
Anomaly detection models for trade negotiations and performance metrics…
Operational management system for the whole fishing supply chain …
Efficient, economic & mass-reduced solar cells…
'Stay' is a mobile-interactive experience rewarding young people for acting positively…
Space-Tech for Cycling
Ship's Sulphur Trails Emissions Aerial Measurements
Satellite Technology to Enable new Learning and Lessons Environment…
System Suitability Study for Train Positioning Using GNSS in ERTMS in 2020…